Statute of Association

“IDEADONNA – Organizzazione Non Lucrativa di Utilità Sociale”

Art.1 – Establishment

1. The association “IDEADONNA – Organizzazione non Lucrativa di Utilità Sociale” is established with its registered office in the city of Turin, in Via Saluzzo 23.

2. The association:

–       pursues only solidarity aims within the framework of social service and welfare, as stated in Art.2 (two), and works within the Piedmont Region;

–       does not carry out activities other that the ones stated below and the ones directly connected to them;

–       does not allocate, neither directly nor indirectly, its profits, surpluses, funds, provisions or assets, unless otherwise stated by the law or unless the allocation is made for the benefit of other non-profit organizations that are considered by law, or by their statute or by their regulations, as part of the same structure;

–       assigns itsprofits and/or surpluses to institutional activities and/or other activities directly connected to the institutional activities;

–       in the event of a dissolution of the association, heard the control authority quoted at art.3, c. 190, Italian Law n. 662 December, 23, 1996 and following additions and amendments, the same one will allocate the surplus assets to other associations which have similar purposes or will assign them to activities of public and social application, if not otherwise stated by law;

–       will use the locution “Organizzazione non lucrativa di utilità sociale” or the acronym “Onlus” in any document and/or in any public notice;

3. What stated in the above clause will follow the limits and conditions ruled by the Legislative Decree n. 460, December 4, 1997 and following additions and amendments.

Art.2 – Activities

The association is non-profit oriented and has solidarity purposes which are carried out through activities aimed at improving the welfare of deprived women who are usually offered few opportunities of empowerment. The association gives support to women in the above-mentioned conditions throughout their self-determination development, in order to hinder social exclusion.

The support and thefostering of the women’s life conditions are the primary aims of the association, which will also fight against social injustice and for the fulfillment of equal rights for all.

The fulfillment of equal rights between men and women will be pursued through activities of integration and inclusion of women in the work environment.

The association will also carry out activities and will design projects aimed at valuing the human resources and at the social integration of people. It hopes for giving its contribution to a cultural, social and economic environment that respects multiculturalism and fights social exclusion. To do so, the association will try out new learning and working models which respect the dignity of all people.

In particular, the association will carry out activities addressed tomigrant women and women belonging to minority ethnic groups. These actions will include the monitoring of and the intervening in possible episodes of discrimination and/or racism, such as female genital mutilations, blackmails, psychological and other form of abuse, domestic and sexual violence.

The association intends to support the improvement and the protection of fundamental human rights through active contrast of situations of sexual oppression and violence. It will act against any form of social, cultural and economic influence, in particular it will fight against any form of sexual discrimination and/or exploitation, of trafficking of human beings, of slavery and/or crimes that harm human dignity. The main guidelines for this purpose will be the Treaties of the United Nations, the Convention of Palermo against Transnational Crime and other Protocols such as the “Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children”.

At national level, it will co-operate with other organizations to reach the goals of protection and social integration of victims of human trafficking provided for by law 286/98 Art.18 and law 228/03 Art.13.

The association intends also to encourage and strengthen social awareness on the issues of equal rights, immigration, prostitution and addictions. In order to do so, the association will carry out training and awareness raising activities on specific subject matters, e.g. inter ethnicity, educational activities, health risk reduction etc.).In particular, in the educational context, the training courses will be directed to students, teachers and professors and also to non-academic staff.

The main activities of the association will be as follows:

  • promotion work for human rights;
  • training activities and information campaigns aimed at giving a contribution in the reworking of migration processes;
  • improvement of life quality for all. The actions within this aim are based on the fundamental assumption that each person has the right of self-determination;
  • information campaigns on health risk reductionon issues such as prostitution, drug addiction, alcoholism and other forms of harmful addictions;
  • health care related to sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS;
  • counseling, backing and psychological support to people affected by AIDS;
  • information, prevention and support to women and their choices concerning maternity;
  • conflict mediation and work with the socially disadvantaged;
  • promotion work and information activities on cultural and linguistic mediation;
  • activities of shelter addressed to people in need, to design a model which could allow room for personal expression and help initiate a path of empowerment and reinforcement of the social skills needed in a complex society;
  • awareness raising activities on the solidarity work carried out by the association; cultural promotion of the issues pursued by the association; educational activities focused on sustainable development;
  • support and backing to migrants’ requests of repatriation
  • social surveys on the subjects of migration, trafficking of human beings, sexual and work exploitation, prostitution and pornography, violence against women, including domestic violence, discrimination and racism;
  • psychological support and backing for people at risk of social exclusion;
  • activities aimed at women subjected to forms of restriction of freedom for judicial or administrative reasons;

In order to promote equal opportunities in the work environment, the association will also carry out the following actions:

  • surveys and studies on the condition of women, in particular on their inclusion in the labor market, and on the development of self-created female businesses;
  • professional training and refresher courses in order to keep the participants posted about the labor market;
  • planning and coordination of seminars, conferences and public events on the condition of women and of the labor market;
  • editing and dissemination of leaflets and newsletters;
  • development of new national and international networks focused on similar topics, and participation to those already existing;
  • computing courses for women.

The association will also represent an important bench mark for documents and databases and will therefore gather and disseminate useful information on job offers and on how to face social disadvantage. Within this area, the association will carry out studies and surveys, will disseminate the results, will develop projects and proposals and will support and/or co-operate with public bodies, in order to achieve its social goals.

The association will be allowed to represent, upon specific mandates, authorities, other associations, companies, cooperatives and/or corporations, members and non-member at international, national and local institutions; it will develop and carry out projects and surveys particularly on topics such as employment, careers guidance, job creation and professional training. These projects will go for the benefit of both disadvantaged people and teachers and professors, within the frame of school non-attendance and professional and education needs.

The association will promote and plan training actions for young people, migrants and unemployed people, as well as multimedia, interactive and distance learning activities addressing authorities, associations and companies, corporations and/or cooperatives.

In order to achieve its purposes, the association can join other associations with similar objectives and can participate in international, national or local calls and invitations to tender.

Finally, the association intends to plan conferences, seminars and meetings and to promote them via all available means of communication and media.

Art.3 – Members

1. All those who are of age, who share the goals of the association and give their contribution to the fulfillment of these goals can become members ofthe association.

2. Members can carry out unpaid activities.

3. When applying for becoming a member of the association, the person will have to accept unreservedly this statute. The role as member of the association officially starts as soon as the application is accepted by the steering committee and the registration in the Book of Members is completed.

4. The membership lasts till one of the following events occurs:

a) voluntary resignation;

b) non-observance of this statute, including the missed payment of the membership fee for two consecutive years;

c) death;

d) unworthiness sanctioned by the steering committee following the advice of the members’ assembly. In this case, the member can appeal to the arbitration tribunal (see Art.12), which will come to the final decision.

Art.4 – Withdrawal

Members have the right of withdrawal.

The member who intends to withdraw from the association must inform the steering committeewith a recorded-delivery letter with advice of receipt, specifying his or her personal details.

The withdrawal becomes official after thirty days following the day when the association receives the letter from the member.

Art.5 – Rights and duties of the members

1. The members must abide by this statute, pay the membership fee and the dues as stated by the members’ assembly, and must give their professional service, if previously agreed upon.

2. All paid-in members can take part in the assemblies, can vote and be voted and hold a position within the association, and they can participate in all the activities carried out by the association.

Art.6 – Bodies

1. The bodies of the association are the following:

–       the Members’ Assembly;

–       the Steering committee;

–       the President;

–       the Board of auditors or Auditor, whether appointed.

Art.7 – Assembly

1. All members of the association are part of the assembly. The assembly is chaired by the President . In case the latter is missing, the assembly is chaired either by the eldest member of the steering committee or by another member appointed by those present.

2. The assembly meets as ordinary meeting once a year. The assembly can be also convened as extraordinary meeting in case the President considers it necessary or the convening is asked for by at least one third of the of members. In the latter case, the President must convene the assembly within 15 (fifteen) days since the date the request has been sent and the assembly must meet within 30 (thirty) days since the convening.

3. The President will give communication of the convening of the meetings by posting the letter of notification and the order of business on the bulletin board of the association at least 15 (fifteen) days prior to the date chosen for the meeting.

  1. In first convene the assembly can meet only if at least half of the members attend. In second convene the assembly can meet whatever the number of the members attending, by presence or by proxy.

6. Members can be represented in the assembly only by another member by proxy that must be kept within the office of the association. Each member cannot have more than three proxies.

7. The decisions of the assembly are approved by the members attending via simple majority (for different cases, see Art.17).

8. The assembly:

– elects the members of the steering committee;

– elects the members of the Board of auditors or the Auditor;

– ratifies the agenda and the activities submitted by the steering committee;

– ratifies the budget plan and the final balance;

– ratifies or rejects proposals of adjustment of this Statute (see Art.17);

– decides on the amount of membership fee and of the dues owed.

Art.8 – Steering Committee

1. The steering committee consists of 5 (five) members appointed by the assembly. Two more member can be admitted as experts but they can express only a consultative vote.

2. The steering committee meets once every 3 (three) months.

3. The meetings are convened by the President of the association, who also prepares the agenda of the meeting and the list of matters that will be debated. The President will inform the members of the steering committee through a notice via email or fax at least 10 (ten) days prior the date of the meeting.

4. The meeting can also be called by at least one third of the members of the steering committee. In this case the President must convene the meeting through a notice via email or fax within 12 (twelve) days since the date the request has been made by the members and the meeting must take place within 20 (twenty) days since the convening.

5. The steering committee can regularly meet the first time if half of the members plus one are present. The second time, the steering committee can meet if one third of the members are present.

6. The steering committee:

– appoints the President;

– appoints the Secretary-Treasurer;

– hires the employees of the association;

– establishes the regulations of the association;

– examines the yearly budget plans and the final balances and submits them to the assembly for endorsement;

– defines work plan of the association according to the guidelines of the general program approved by the assembly, co-ordinates and organizes the activities and approves the costs;

– accepts or rejects the applications of the candidate members;

– ratifies the measures and actions that are usually under its own authority but that may be adopted by the President for necessity and/or urgency reasons;

The members of the steering committee are not entitled to receive a salary, they are entitled to receive refunds strictly connected to documented office activities.

Art.9 – The President

1. The President is also the President of the steering committee and is therefore elected by the latter by the majority of its members.

2.The President leaves his/her office according to the regulations stated in Art.13 (thirtheen) and in case she/he does not comply with the regulations stated in Art.7 (seven), clause four and in Art.8 (eight), clause four.

3.The President:

-legally represents the association towards third parties and in case of trial;

-convenes and chairs the meetings of the assembly and of the steering committee;

-in case of necessity and/or urgency, takes on the actions and the roles that are usually under the authority of the steering committee. Thereafter, the President asks the steering committee to ratify these actions and roles.

4.In the absence of, hindrance of or office leaving by the President, the role of the latter is taken on by the eldest member of the steering committee.

Art.10 – Secretary-Treasurer

1.The Secretary-Treasurer is appointed by the steering committee. He/she can be a member of the board itself.

2.The Secretary:

-takes care of the update of the Members’ Book;

-handles the mails and emails;

-is responsible for the editing and the storing of the minutes related to the meetings of the main bodies of the association;

-prepares the draft of the budget plan, which must be submitted to the steering committee by the end of October, and the draft of the final balance, which must be submitted to the steering committee by the end of March;

-takes care of all the registers of the association and of the bookkeeping and stores properly all the paper and electronic files;

-takes care of the collection of the incomes of the association and of the payments, in accordance with the instructions given by the steering committee;

-is the manager and supervisor for the employees of the association, also according to D.Lgs 81/2008.

Art.11 – Board of auditors/Auditor

1. If the members of the association consider it advisable or if the law makes provision for it, the association will appoint a Board of Auditors or an Auditor.

2. The Board of Auditors is composed of three members and two deputy members; all the five members are re-eligible and they can be in charge for as long as the law provides for; their authority complies with the regulations set for all limited companies.

3. The Board of Auditors has the duties and powers regulated by articles 2403 and 2403 bis of the Civil Code, as stated by the Law, and exerts on the book-keeping of the association.

4. The Board of Auditors edits a yearly and duly signed report which then submits to the assembly and to all members.

5. If the association appoints an Auditor for the book-keeping, the Auditor must be enrolled in the Ministry of Justice register. To the Auditor are applied all rules provided for limited companies.

Art.12 – Arbitration Tribunal

Any controversy or dispute that may arise among the members or between the members and the association, even if promoted by members of the steering committee, board of auditors (if appointed) or against them, concerning this Statute, its validity, its definition and rendering, its implementation and dissolution, will be settled by an arbitrator appointed by the President of the Professional Body of Chartered Certified Accountants of Turinwithin fifteen days from the date the members contending or one of them send an official request.

The arbitrator will come to a decision on an impartial basis within 90 (ninety) days.

All controversies or disputes for which the Arbitration Tribunal is not provided for by the law or which fall under the jurisdiction of the Justice Authority are excluded.

Art.13 – Term of offices

1. All social offices last three years and can be reconfirmed.

2. In case one member is replaced by another or an extra member is appointed an office within the 3-year period, these appointments last till the end of the 3-year term.

Art.14 – Funding

1. The funding sources of the association will be:

– membership fees;

– economic contributions supplied by the members or private citizens, public fundings from the Government, public and/or international institutions;

– endowments and/or bequests;

– incomes deriving from special agreements;

– incomes deriving from properties or chattels that the association may inherit for whatever reason.

2. All monetary fundings will be deposited on a current account registered in the name of the association at the bank chosen by the steering committee.

3. Any financial transaction of more than 5.000,00 € (five thousand) can be completed only with the joint signature of the President and the Secretary.

Art.15- Membership Fee

1. The amount of the yearly membership fee is established by the assembly. The payment must be fulfilled in one installment only and it is not reimbursable in case of withdrawal or in case the person loses his or her right as member of the association.

2. Membership fees are non-transmissible.

Art.16 – Financial statement or Budget

1. The financial year starts on January 1st and ends on December 31st.

2. Every year the Secretary takes care of the editing of the budget plan and the final balance and submits them to the assembly, which then approves them or not, according to the majority of the votes.

3. The final balance sheet must indicate all properties, assets, financial contributions, endowments and bequests.

Art.17 – Statute adjustments

1. Any proposal of adjustment to this Statute must be submitted to the assembly by one of the bodies of the association or by at least five members. The proposals can be approved by the assembly only if the absolute majority is reached.

Art.18 – Legal reference

1. For all matters which are not included or reported in this Statute, refer to current Italian rule of law.

Stamped for registration

Turin, April 27th, 2009

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